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International Women in Engineering Day 2018 #WED18

International Women in Engineering 2018

Today is International Women in Engineering day. Well done to all those taking part. It is a pleasure and honor to see so many engineers from all different backgrounds, sexual orientation and gender in our industry but more can and should be done to promote engineering as an accessible career for all.

Female engineers make up only 9% within the UK Engineering sector but make up 50.8% of the UK population. Some careers do attract certain people but why is that? Is it due to the misogyny or the perceived physical demands? The answer is a very complex one and not something I can explain well in just a few words.

We need to breakdown these barriers through education. Educating young women of the opportunities and also educating the industry of the talent and ability out there. This helps by having true role models and leaders some of which we have interviewed for our podcast. Companies like @chapmanbdsp are leading the way in this area and even their own Leah Lucien has been voted in the top 50 Women in Engineering #WED50. My advice to the future generation is to follow what makes you curious and what gives you happiness. Especially do not be blinked by the outlook and notions of the 'old guard'. Challenge the 'norm'.

In all honesty the investment and development of people goes far beyond the gender divide. With the reduction of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects being taught, the engineering sector is suffering across the board.

We need to recruit diverse engineers from all walks of life and importantly we need more engineers full stop. Apprenticeships, internships and graduate schemes are a great way to cultivate the skills for a long lasting career in science and engineering.

Let me know what you think and what you think can be done about it!

I shall be starting a podcast in the very near future and shall be interviewing a figurehead from engineering who happens to be female and we shall discuss the journey she has taken. Stay tuned!

If you need more information about anything discussed, you have a burning question to ask or a topic for me to tackle, then leave a comment below!

Happy reading!

